Sunday, March 11, 2007

Ideas for Promoting Your Book

The best promoters in the world can't sell your book unless it delivers value to your reader. The more value your book delivers, the easier the promotion will be.

- Value can be--
- Information your reader needs to reach business or personal objectives
- Motivation to keep your reader on track or aspiring to new heights
- Entertainment bringing smiles, chills or puzzlement to your reader
- Pure esthetics--the joy of a beautiful book
- Besides good content, your book needs to be well-written, organized and packaged, including--

- A memorable title
- High-quality packaging and cover design

Finally, to be successful you need a realistic market for your book, a group of people who will want a copy of your book as soon as they know about it.
Assuming you have all of the above, here are 26 ideas to get you thinking about ways that you can promote your own book.

1 Introduce your book in one burst with all of your publicity and promotion programs synchronized. Pick an event, a date, and plan your book's coming out to coincide with the chosen event. Your publicity will multiply as a result.

2 Print at least 200 copies more than you know you can sell, and give them away to people who can promote your book: news editors, book reviewers, television hosts.

3 Dramatize your cover and walk into the biggest TV station in town in costume, or with your acting troupe in tow.

4 Create an affiliation with a nonprofit organization and dedicate the back cover to explaining this affiliation. Share profits with the nonprofit organization (a dollar amount per book is the simplest and most straightforward) , and they will help you sell the book.

5 If you or a friend is handy with tools, design a small and attractive counter-top book display decorated to showcase your book and take it to local retail outlets. The display rack can be a gift to the store after an agreed period of time showing your book


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