Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Judy Cullins, http://www.BookCoaching.com

Did you know web sites really want your original information on most any subject? Their challenge? They need your articles well-edited and formatted so their readers will love them. That's what makes visitors keep coming back for more. Since articles are the number one way to promote your service business, take a look at how you can be sure yours will get published.

1. Create a benefit-driven title. Give your potential visitors a reason to read your article.
2. Include a few key words in your title and your article’s introduction. The search engines look for these and from them, will list you higher and on more sites.
3. Write a hook in the article's first sentence. Ask a question or two that engages your reader right where they are now. What's their challenge? Speak to that.
4. Include the thesis statement of your article in the last line of your first paragraph. The thesis tells the purpose and main idea. It also gives the plan to solve your reader's problem.
5. Write a short conclusion to each article, even if it's a fiction excerpt. Here's a good chance to include more key words and benefits.
6. Stop lecturing. Instead of telling what you know, engage your reader along the way with a few benefit-driven headlines and questions. Include your short stories, analogies, and wit. .
7. Make each paragraph short. Remember Online articles demand easy and fast -to-read with shorter specific examples than print articles.
8. Keep the “I” out of your articles. Make them focused on your audience “YOU.”
9. Write tips. This kind of article takes the shortest time and its format is easy. Name your tip: How to Get More Targeted Traffic. Keep each time format the same as this:

1. Command. Do this.
2. Benefits from doing it or Consequences from not doing it.
3. Your solution. Can be resources where reader can get more information on this such as a book or a web site.

10. Include numbered solutions rather than just paragraphs. Make it easy for your reader to get your valuable, original, information.

These 10 how to write articles keys make a great beginning for you tostart your marketing campaign now.


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